Leaky gut is a condition that has been debated upon over the course of time. It is reasoned as a digestive condition where bacteria and other harmful toxins are believed to “leak” through the intestinal wall. Here’s how it works; as per the claims made, there are gaps in the intestinal walls, which is how nutrients come through. However, the moment these gaps start to fall apart, the gut supposedly becomes absorbent, hence the term “leaky”.
The main concern that arises from a leaky gut condition is increased inflammation in the body. How? The loosening of the gaps allow for bacteria to go right through. How should such a condition be dealt with? This is where the Gundry MD Bio Complete 3 formula comes into play.
With the Gundry MD Bio Complete 3, consumers can expect something called, a “3-Pronged Defense” to the gut. In other words, the formula approaches this concern by considering one’s probiotic, prebiotic and butyrate levels. If none of this makes sense yet, it will soon. Here’s what you need to know:
What is the Gundry MD Bio Complete 3?
The Gundry MD Bio Complete 3 is a dietary supplement that claims to not only give a boost to one’s digestive system, but also to one’s energy levels, weight management goals and overall wellness. This is said to be achieved due to the nature of the formula, as it consists of all-natural prebiotics, probiotics and postbiotics. Some of the positive changes one can anticipate can include a slimmer waistline, smoother and regular bathroom visits, increased energy and reduced cravings.
How does the Three-in-One Supplement Work?
First comes probiotics, which are live bacteria and yeasts deemed helpful for one’s digestive system. The reason why this is so, is because it gives a good fight against toxins present in the body. That said, sometimes the aftermath of such fights can be difficult on the existence of good bacteria. This is where prebiotics are needed, as it serves as a type of fibre that probiotics can rely on for nutrition. So, by including prebiotics, probiotics flourish in one’s system. Finally, there’s postbiotics.
Compared to the likes of pre and probiotics, postbiotics are loosely defined, as they are not commonly available via supplements. According to Wegh et al. (2019), postbiotics can be composed of a number of facets including “metabolites, short-chain fatty acids, microbial cell fractions, functional proteins, etc.” That said, research suggests that it has the ability to modify immune response or its overall functioning. In other words, it is expected to reduce proinflammatory effects, while making sure that the body achieves a state of balance.
Bearing all this in mind, the key ingredients used to provide such support to the body include tributyrin (contains anti-inflammatory and immunoprotective effects), Sunfiber® (prebiotic fiber) and Bacillus coagulans.
How Legitimate is Dr. Steven Gundry MD?

Dr. Steven R. Gundry is a doctor and author. Having started his career in the medical field as a cardiac surgeon and doing related researches, he eventually started focusing on the impact of diet on health. He is considered a New York Times best-selling author for a number of books including The Plant Paradox: The Hidden Dangers in “Healthy Foods That Cause Disease and Weight Gain and Dr. Gundry’s Diet Evolution. Today, he serves as the director of the International Heart & Lung Institute in Palm Springs and is the Founder of the Center for Restorative Medicine based in Palm Springs and Santa Barbara.
How to Use Bio Complete 3?
For ideal results, consumers have been suggested to take two capsules twice per day prior to having a meal. Consistency is supposedly key here, as it is the only way to help support gut health. As per the doctor’s claims, he takes them twice per day, once before breakfast and right before dinner.
When will Results be Noticed?
There are a number of signs that are indicative of the Gundry MD Bio Complete 3’s efficiency. For starters, upon ingesting the suggested dosage, consumers should witness a positive change in their energy levels within the first week. Other benefits to look out for include better stamina, more regular bowel movements and less pain. Laziness, brain fog, and random exhaustion should eventually fade with the use of the Bio Complete 3. Given that each individual’s body is unique, some may witness results sooner than others.
Should the formula not bring any results, consumers can return the supplement and get their money back. That said, the latter is only possible if the Bio Complete 3 has been used consistently for a period of 90 days.
How much is the Gundry MD Bio Complete 3?
Each bottle consists of 120 capsules. That said, the price of one bottle is $49.95, followed by $134.85 for three bottles and $254.70 for six. All prices are currently discounted, with savings ranging from $20 to $165 (depending on quantity purchased).
Final thoughts
Based on the analysis above, the Gundry MD Bio Complete 3 appears to hold value, as it includes a trio (i.e. pre-, pro and postbiotics) that have been extensively studied for digestive health. Additionally, the legitimacy of Dr. Gundry himself is likely to increase one’s confidence in the product. As a physician, he’s aware that products aren’t one-size-fits-all, hence he’s also offering a 90 days money-back guarantee. To learn more about how your digestive concerns can possibly be addressed, visit the Gundry MD Bio Complete 3 website at GundryMD.com
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